Dear neighbours,


NORA and Cllr Huggett have been working on identifying all the illegal building and land use activity in Norwood. This includes buildings being demolished, altered, and added to illegally, and used for purposes that are not permitted, such as nightclubs.


On Sunday the owner of one of the illegal buildings cut down public trees on the pavement, which is also illegal. NORA and NBA immediately notified the Park Rangers and JMPD who put a stop to this unlawfulness.


Cllr Huggett has written to the Mayor of Joburg to highlight the lack of bylaw enforcement by building inspectors and JMPD, and we need to amplify this call. If you are sick and tired of the law being broken in your neighbourhood, and want to see the City working for you, then please sign this petition:


NORA will not stop until this illegal behaviour is eliminated from our neighbourhood, and will hound the Mayor and the City Manager until they do their jobs. The petition is the first step; it will close on 15 January 2024 and we will submit it to the Mayor, City Manager, Premier of Gauteng, and even the President if we have to. We will be holding a meeting in the new year to take matters further.


Please share the petition link far and wide! Your information will be kept secure, and we will provide updates on the City’s response and any follow-up action. If you have any questions on this petition or would like to report building or land use or heritage issues, please email


Letter from Cllr Huggett re illegal buil
Adobe Acrobat Document 196.2 KB
20231204 Request for building and land u
Adobe Acrobat Document 164.5 KB
20231207 Violation of NHRA in Norwood.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 158.6 KB